drugs and
substance abuse

relationships and
domestic violence

knife crime

teenage pregnancy
and sexual health

consequences of

skills for independent living


bullying and emotional literacy

primary to

alcohol misuse

exploring diversity and community cohesion


Consequences of Offending

Facing Up was launched in May 2006 in response to requests for a programme looking specifically at the consequences of offending. Initially, it was developed as a sequel to another ADAD programme, Crossing the Line (which addresses anti-social behaviour and the carrying of knives), but after initial piloting it became clear that Facing Up does work with audiences on its own. Facing Up was initially developed and piloted in collaboration with The Thames Valley Partnership and supported by The Gulbenkian Foundation.

Target audience

Facing Up is suitable for young people in Mainstream Education aged 13 upwards. Initial piloting has also proven this programme to be successful with young people in Pupil Referral Units. The programme can also be used in Conference and Training events


To look at the personal, social and legal consequences of offending, for the perpetrator of a crime.

- To explore the reality of being arrested and prosecuted for committing a crime.

- To explore the reality of serving a custodial sentence.

- To explore the possible long term effects of having a criminal record. How might this affect the family and friends of the perpetrator of a crime?

- To require the audience to engage and empathise with the victims of crime. {Using the 'holding form' of a Restorative Justice process, the programme looks in details at the experience of the victims of crime}.

- To explore how it really feels to be a victim of crime. How does crime impact upon the lives of the victims, in both the long and short term?

- To bring home the reality of the effects of crime and the feelings and emotions of those involved.

The play

The play begins where Crossing the Line ends and focuses on Fizz's story. During an altercation, Fizz, pumped up and feeling invincible, stabs a man. The play explores the consequences of this stabbling. Fizz is apprehended and enters the criminal justice system. The play shows some of the reality of life in a Young Offenders Institute and the effects on Fizz's family and girlfriend.

Whilst serving his sentence, Fizz agrees to meet the wife of the man he stabbed. In the form of a 'Restorative Justice' conference, Donna, the wife, holds no punches in telling Fizz (and his silent mother), exactly how the stabbing has affected her husband and the rest of the family.

The workshop

The workshop uses interactive exercises to explore the issues from the play. Have any of the characters changed as a result of what they have gone through? How are they each feeling? The audience are given the opportunity to meet and question the characters.